The Straße des 17. Juni will be a test field for autonomous driving. Soon the first sensors will be installed in the Berlin Tiergarten, the project team of DIGINET-PS was on the way to explore the track. Shortly before the installation of the first Road Side Units (RSUs) – devices that communicate with and to the vehicles sensors – the DIGINET-PS team conducted a so-called site survey together with selected sensor companies. This is how the optimal locations for RSUs and sensors should be defined.
As part of this exploration tour, the relevant TU buildings were committed and the ideal locations for the sensors identified. By driving down the track, the appropriate placement of the RSUs was determined.
For each building, the individual locations for sensors as well as the results from the site survey were documented in detail. Numerous aspects such as monument protection, readiness to dismantle or data protection have to be considered.
The project is breaking new ground. The complex route involves challenges such as the integration of different systems in real operation or even trivial questions such as the density of tree coverings, so as not to disturb the sensors.
From autumn, the first sensors will be installed.